Word of Mouth
What People are Saying about Working with Camille

“Camille Maurine embodies the power of the feminine in her total being...”
My soul friend Camille Maurine embodies the power of the feminine in her total being and how she lives her life. Her wisdom shines through in her teachings, her performances, and in all her personal relationships — including the radiant intimacy she shares with her husband Lorin Roche. Camille is living the power of intimacy — she’s not just talking about it. She integrates deep inner practice with creative expression in the world. Her integrity is impeccable and her wonder for the mysteries of life inspires me. I’ll continue to learn about the nature of the feminine from Camille throughout our lives, and I’ll treasure every moment I’m gifted to spend with her.
— Judith Orloff, MD, Author of The Empath’s Survival Guide

“... unusual depth of soul and embodied wisdom”
I’ve known and worked with both Camille and her husband Lorin for many years and know them both to be masterful teachers and facilitators. Camille brings a lifetime of experience to meditative practices for women, sharing unusual depth of soul and embodied wisdom. When she speaks or moves, you can feel the love and power as an integration of both inner peace and wild expressive freedom.
— Marcia Wieder, CEO, Dream University

“I consider my work with Camille a key factor... highly successful career...”
A friend recommended I check out Camille’s work and without knowing what I was getting myself into, I signed up for a Moving Theater workshop Camille was teaching; I was hooked... I consider my work with Camille a key factor in both my highly successful career and at the core of EmbodyCom®, my multidimensional approach to high performance.
— Gina Carlson, Speaker, writer, coach, and founder of EmbodyCom®

“Camille is 100% the real thing”
Camille is 100% the real thing. We taught creativity retreats together... that were amazing. I’ve learned so much about being embodied from her.
— Jennifer Louden, writing coach and author of the Woman’s Comfort Book series

“She sees through to the essence, fiercely yet compassionately...”
It’s as rare as it is precious to encounter a woman who embodies such profound wisdom combined with childlike wonder, joy, and curiosity. Camille Maurine’s depth has no bounds. She sees through to the essence, fiercely yet compassionately cutting thru confusion. Camille listens deeply and offers suggestions from her vast experience of energy embodiment, meditation, and depth work with women. I feel tremendous gratitude for my ongoing work with her and know that she has helped me deepen as a teacher, mother, lover and woman.
— Shauna Shapiro, Professor and author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness and Mindful Discipline

“A one-of-a-kind fully embodied woman...”
First and foremost, Camille Maurine is the real deal — a one-of-a-kind fully embodied woman who exudes depth, vitality, and vibrancy in all aspects of her teaching and mentorship. In all my experiences of education and women-centered programs, I’ve never encountered anyone with such a robust and graceful combination of genuine care, deep expertise, and boundless creativity. My life and embodied evolution as a woman are more shimmering, more truthful, and more expansive due to my work with Camille... An unparalleled transformative opportunity.
— Jennifer Keller, PhD, Professor and author of Ordinary Oblivion: The Self Unmoored

“ wise and luscious, creative, powerful, vulnerable, and sexy”
After months writing a book, sitting hours on end in a chair in my full-on mentality, I’m ready to return to my body and my deeper feminine energy. I can’t think of a better context and a better person to do that with than with . wise and luscious, creative, powerful, vulnerable, and sexy. She lives in intimacy with herself and with her husband.
— Sharon Weil, Author of ChangeAbility, film writer, director, producer and Continuum teacher

“I’ve never heard a word out of Camille’s mouth with which I disagreed”
She’s an expert teacher, mentor, and facilitator. She continuously demonstrates the Dalai Lama’s modus operandi: “My religion is Kindness.” Her Meditation Secrets For Women are frontier material that women everywhere need now. They and she have pivotally changed and enhanced my life. Thank heavens The Shift Network will be disseminating her transformative words and creative expressions in this upcoming course. I’ve never heard a word out of Camille’s mouth with which I disagreed. DO jump in!
— Jessica Fleming, MMH, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Certified Meditation Secrets For Women facilitator, and co-founder/director of SoulPath Journeys

“Camille’s meditation process is revolutionary”
With skill and compassion, Camille guides us back to our whole selves, to the embodied wisdom from which we are so often separated. By tapping into our senses and instincts, we find the courage to explore all aspects of ourselves. With no dogma or pressure, we integrate our many facets into the unique tapestry that is our gift to the world. No matter how many times I return to the secrets, I unravel more barriers to living the love I desire. I feel more alive, more at peace, more sovereign. Camille’s meditation process is revolutionary.
— Elisabeth Crago, MSW, MFA, Meditation Secrets for Women Facilitator

“ This work and wisdom is a gift!”
This work and wisdom is a gift! The world needs this sort of material, God knows the meditation world needs it badly!
— Arian Young, meditation teacher, Australia
"Camille is 100% the real thing. We taught creativity retreats together years ago that were amazing. I've learned so much about being embodied from her." – Jennifer Louden, writing coach, author of the Woman's Comfort Book series
"It is as rare as it is precious to encounter a woman who embodies such profound wisdom combined with childlike wonder, joy, and curiosity. Camille Maurine's depth has no bounds. She sees through to the essence, fiercely yet compassionately cutting thru confusion. Camille listens deeply and offers suggestions from her vast experience of energy embodiment, meditation, and depth work with women. I feel tremendous gratitude for my ongoing work with her and know that she has helped me deepen as a teacher, mother, lover and woman." – Shauna Shapiro, Professor, Author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness and Mindful Discipline
About the Meditation Secrets for Women Course:
"First and foremost, Camille Maurine is the real deal – a one-of-a-kind fully embodied woman who exudes depth, vitality, and vibrancy in all aspects of her teaching and mentorship. In all my experiences of education and women-centered programs, I have never encountered anyone with such a robust and graceful combination of genuine care, deep expertise, and boundless creativity. My life and embodied evolution as a woman are more shimmering, more truthful, and more expansive due to my work with Camille and her Meditation Secrets for Women offering. There is nothing else like this approach to meditation out there; there is no-one else like her to teach it. An unparalleled transformative opportunity.” – Jennifer Keller, PhD, Professor, Author of Ordinary Oblivion: The Self Unmoored
“This work, your work, your wisdom is a gift! The world needs this sort of material, God knows the meditation world needs it badly!” ~ Arian Young, Australia
"A compass for my soul...a very pure and potent form of fostering authenticity. The world needs this. We need this. " – Mary S, Columbus OH
"This course is an antidote to the alienation in our world: profound connection to ourselves, to each other, the Planet, and our place in the universe." – Dale R, Santa Cruz CA
"Fantastic! I have loved all the calls, your wisdom coupled with laughter and good humor. It is truly a remarkable program which I know is helping to heal the planet and lift all of us. I am so glad to have this embodied, feminine base as I continue to move through the world of men and texts. It keeps me grounded and I know that I am not alone as I traverse this territory. From the bottom of my heart, my roots in the ground, my head in the heavens, I say thank you, thank you, thank you for being the exuberant bringer of female wisdom to all of us. I continue to pray that your work will spread and touch even more women to find their true source and inspiration within." – Eva Burns, writer, mother, student of ancient wisdom
“Camille’s online course, Meditation Secrets for Women, has been an outstanding opportunity to Live her book of the same name. She has the most soothing voice on whose frequencies the material seeped in to my being... life changing messages to my cells and soul. A Master Teacher.” ~ E. Jessica Fleming, New Zealand
"I just signed up! After months writing a book, sitting hours on end in a chair in my full-on mentality, I am ready to return to my body and my deeper feminine energy. I can't think of a better context and a better person to do that with than with you. You are wise and luscious, creative, powerful, vulnerable and sexy. You live in intimacy with yourself and with your husband. I can't wait to learn and share, and experience you in action!" ~ Sharon Weil, author of "ChangeAbility," film writer, director, producer and Continuum Teacher
“I most definitely recommend this program to other women. I have already talked to several and strongly recommended the book which at least two of my women friends have gotten and loved. I have a whole list of women to whom I will suggest the 2011 program because of the richness it offers. The opportunity to explore our deepest woman-ness with such a loving group is exceptional. The fact that we can do it from wherever on the planet we are, benefitting also from the richness of the teleconference discussions and your personal availability and loving support, makes this is an unusual, not to be missed, opportunity for personal exploration and growth. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~ Elisabeth C., New Zealand and USA
“I absolutely recommend this course to other women. The world and women of this world are simultaneously experiencing unrest and the recognition of the need to stand with integrity and take action. It is in part, with this knowledge, that we need to band more cohesively together... TO GET HER... Our mother earth on target... on a continual path of recognizing that we are not broken, but rather wholesome even in our healing stages. This evolution is conducive to finding a path of least resistance and less hesitancy in our knowing. To make quick-witted decisions while allowing grace to unfold and support. Who doesn't need at least a small tidbit of shared wisdom?” ~ Bobi W., New Jersey
“Your unshakable trust in life and in us as women is palpable. You know the Goddess by very intimate moment to moment experience... and it's contagious. You were able to hold the space for all of us, the space in which every one of us was able to see that inner image of Her...
“There was so much love, respect, and appreciation... for the Body of Love that I am, for the Body of Love that all of us women are... :-) I feel my whole nervous system has been "rebooted"... I'm detecting new patterns of thinking and feeling, my passions raise to a new level of expression, and the vision of who and what I am in this world washes over me with the new clarity...
“This is the image that stuck to me. You standing by the fireplace, dressed in black, petite but very strong and flexible women, tapping your foot on the floor and announcing to the Universe: "This is My Passion... This is My Love"...
“I look at clouds high up in the skies, and the trees swinging in the wind, dropping yellow autumn leaves... I listen to the geese saying goodbye as they depart south... I watch the full moon in the clouds playing hide-and-seek with me... What a beautiful, magical world - I think to myself... I look into my sons' glistering eyes and listen to their breaths as they fall asleep... Over and over again the words repeat in my mind: "This is my passion...This is my love." – Dr. Julia Perch, psychiatrist and artist, and now a fully certified teacher of Meditation Secrets for Women
“I love the calls, hearing your voice, hearing your wisdom. They are so deep and wise...there is so much there for me.” – Jackie R., Ireland
“This work, your work, your wisdom is a gift! The world needs this sort of material, God knows the meditation world needs it badly!” – Arian Young, Meditation Teacher, Australia
“I so appreciate your vast wisdom, precise insight, abundant compassion, luscious language, wide spread love...To hear your voice regularly is very supportive... I would recommend this course to any woman who is interested in learning to meditate or deepening/expanding the practice they already have. The monthly calls and guided meditation practices enhance the use of the book and cater to any learning style. Even though it is an internet program, the support and intimacy is abundant and the collective of women on the calls help contain my process in a supportive womb of transformation. Your generous availability for email questions, and the private sessions, are an important component for feeling connected to a teacher.” – Kimberlee Orenstein, Studio owner, Yoga Loka Reno
"Writing to let you know I REALLY enjoyed the [Meditation Secrets for Women] teleclass. Your ideas are such a welcome fresh flow of energy into what for me has been a rigid, disciplinary form. Over the past several years I have turned to ecstatic dance as my expression, and you've brought the same principles to meditation for me. Hurray! So many of your ideas have me murmuring thank you because I knew underneath why dance made me feel much better than meditation, but now it’s OK to bring that expression and energizing pleasure into meditation too! Thank you again for all of your innovative work." – S. A., Calgary, Canada
First, I must say that my public reason for taking the Meditation Secrets for Women teleclass, to learn tools to reinvigorate my meditation practice, was certainly met by your great teaching. Actually, the class helped me change my life! So thanks, more than I know how to say, for being you in the moments I got to share with you." – Anneliese, Ithaca, NY
"Every single word in the book, in the meditations, the music, everything has been carefully thought out but also carefully crafted in a way that resonates with me, as if it had been developed just for me." – Alicia R, Architect
"Camille's use of language is so rich and evocative - I was soothed just listening to her. The permission to be with our anger as well as the going down into grief or sadness was invaluable. I really needed that validation, especially regarding my anger, at this time in my life. It was so freeing to not make nice and to bring forward my fierceness and wildness. Camille is not afraid of women's emotions." – Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., Author
“We did your wonderful fabulous workshop with you here in Santa Fe in the summer about 2 years ago. I bought your Meditation Secrets for Women. AND IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!! I draw so much inspiration from your book. I am in awe of your capability to fine-tune your words to exactly express feelings thoughts emotions ~ how you covered every aspect of women’s lives. In my womens' groups, I do refer to your book and we do Jazz Breath together or Love our body. I wanted you to know how grateful I feel towards you.” ~ Silvia S., Santa Fe, NM
“I'm re-reading the book [Meditation Secrets for Women]... picking up more of the nuances of the material. I can't wait to read it for a third time, as I will really get it then. I just love what you have written, there are many original thoughts and ideas contained within the book, a true masterpiece really, presented in such humble and simple clothing.” – Ann B, Australia
"Camille's use of language is so rich and evocative - I was soothed just listening to her. The permission to be with our anger as well as the going down into grief or sadness was invaluable. I really needed that validation, especially regarding my anger, at this time in my life. It was so freeing to not make nice and to bring forward my fierceness and wildness. Camille is not afraid of women's emotions." – Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., Author
"Love emanates from every page. I'm weeping and I'm laughing. Finally the permission to be a woman in meditation and life. Thank you, Camille." – Dr. Julia, New Jersey
Workshops and Retreats
“Mountain-top experience in the fullest..."
"Beautiful - heart-opening, self-affirming, expanding! I learned many new tools for entering my own life more fully and for sharing wholeness and acceptance with my family, friends, co-workers, and patients..."
"Truly awesome ~ a life-changing experience. Lorin and Camille are a gift to the Universe beyond compare. Their compassion and wisdom is so beautiful."
"Got so much out of it! Brought me to a new place of self-awareness - learned so many tools and techniques for meditating. Thank you for this awesome experience!"
"Transformative, healing...I will go 'back' with courage and love to share my authentic self."
"Eternal, deep resonating truth, a breaking open, breathtakingly beautiful."
"Lorin and Camille are amazing people and real human beings."
"Wow, your call was beyond ecstatic…I'm deeply moved, penetrated...What a powerful combination of male-female dynamic engagement of two hearts
beating as one and sharing your potent field of gushing creativity...Thank you!" ~ C. C. White, singer/songwriter
"Transforming in a deep way, including new ways of being and understanding myself."
"I have essentially fallen in love with myself again."
"An incredible experience that I will treasure forever."
"Deep and rich tapestry of embodied wisdom. Wonderful and loving, skillful facilitation, great learning and growth. Would highly recommend to anyone on the path to awakening who still has a body."
"Transformational, accepting, terrifying (in a good way), joyous. Great love and respect for experience, wisdom, and humility of teachers."
"Camille has been a deeply valued mentor to me for many years. My experiences with her in her Moving Theater classes were and remain among the most profound of my life. The atmosphere of those classes, rehearsals and performances stays with me and is the space I go to when I need to go deep with myself and beyond myself. This is Camille's talent. She invites one's individual depth to unfurl its atmosphere and become a theater of the soul... and to experience this in community. "On Camille's original theater pieces/performances: An early performance Camille gave of her Tiger, Tiger will not get its teeth out of me. A complete and artful baring of herself. "Camille coauthored a globally important book with her husband Lorin Roche: Meditation Secrets for Women. Don't let some of the playful, dancing style of this book throw you off its importance. It's revolutionary for women. Its style is part of that." - Sara Staehle Henry, LMF
“You have remained an icon for me -- your beauty, which is thorough from inside out including how you have lived your life, continues to inspire me. The years working with you changed my own life.” – CTP, Artist, New Mexico
"Camille is that rare spirit, whose curiosity, compassion, creativity, and courage inform her original and dynamic approach to unearthing our deepest selves." - Barbara Clare, Architectural Color Designer, Principal of Chroma 7
"Camille's work has opened up vast worlds of feeling, intimacy and power I didn't know I could access. The commitment she makes to living her work is a true inspiration; in that sense, she is the consummate teacher. Her willingness to plumb the depths of being, with heart and compassion, is a gift that keeps on opening." – Richard Piscuskas, Artist
“Thank you from a very deep place in my heart to you [Lorin] and you Camille for sharing your beautiful insight and divine wisdom at our teacher training last weekend. I was deeply moved and inspired by your passion, creativity, and pulse. I am amazed by how much I learned about myself in such a short time. I just had to reach out and tell you that you and Camille are magical! – E.B., Yoga Teacher
“It was a really uplifting and expansive experience to be a part of the workshop. Part of the lesson was watching how you and Camille work and teach together so naturally and fluidly. It was quite lovely to observe and an inspiration in the idea of companionship and love. Please pass on my appreciation to Camille. She is a powerhouse of shakti! – J.O, New York
“Such a lovely weekend of deep, playful and provocative sessions. I feel so much more permission to meditate, and in fact, recognize now all the times and ways I DO meditate and always have. I feel affirmed and inspired. You are a delight, a force of nature, a true fiery, passionate and playful Dakini! Thank you for your example, your wisdom and the embrace of your love.” – D.G., Seattle, WA
"Knowing Camille has allowed me to become comfortable with myself. Knowing that there are other women out there that are Yoginis and live in the world with full happy lives has done more for me than I can explain. The work Camille does has taught me how to allow my feelings to be OK so they do not cause chaos in my life. Her work has also helped me create a balance between meditation and my everyday life so that they can compliment each other. Her wild sense of humor never hurts! The work I have done with Camille has truly been a gift for me." – Michelle, Business Owner, Mother of 4
About Wild Serenity with Lorin & Camille:
"WILD SERENITY: Far, far far, far, far beyond my wildest expectations - joyfully transformative - an experience of permission unlike any I knew to be possible for me. Mind-blowing, heart-blowing, soul-blowing! I've attended many transformational workshops, but have never enjoyed one as much as this. I have rediscovered a playfulness - a gleefulness - that was well-hidden. I loved doing things I generally try to avoid: namely, moving and feeling...
"I love watching you/being with you, Lorin and Camille. Your range is extraordinary, as are your depth, presence, grounding, generosity, and grace. I want to also voice my gratitude for your quick-as-lightning humor. (Imagine! having Permission to laugh as much as we did in a meditation course!)" – Ann Cheng, Life Coach, Washington
"WILD SERENITY is a fantastic workshop! Camille and Lorin are masters in their field, outstanding teachers, and caring human beings. They create a magical, fun environment where the wounded can heal, the healed can thrive, and we all develop the skills for continued, joyous lives. This not just for New Age types, but for anybody who needs more peace, happiness, and love in their lives." – Jim McCarthy, Stanford MBA, Internet Veteran, Cupertino, California
The WILD SERENITY workshop was indescribably helpful for me! I awoke this morning with an even greater realization of feeling more space inside me to fill up with joy, beauty and all the things I love. I was so due for an extended time to be so intimate with myself. How sublime! I feel aligned and am so pleased about that. Thank you, thank you! You are both brilliant incredible people. You have shown me once again that I can be inspired, after a very challenging year. I feel blessed.....so blessed to have made it to your workshop. – Lori Y., Ithaca, NY
"Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine offer such a refreshing approach to meditation! With creativity and clarity, they inspire a tremendous sense of joy and discovery and provide realistic ways to make mindfulness a regular part of your day." – Maya Talisman Frost, "the Mind Masseuse"
"Camille and Lorin help us to understand that meditation is a natural state. It doesn't have to be forced and rigid, we can just allow the breath and natural energy of the body to move freely within. We can make use of the guided meditations to learn how to be with ourselves more intimately. Instead of detaching, we stay with ourselves and move inside to see how to be compassionate from within." – Toni R., Yoga Teacher, Lincoln, NE
About Moving Theater of the Soul with Camille:
“Camille holds a space for transformation that allows change to happen in an instant and without the upheaval and drama that can sometimes happen with other practices. There is no being blasted into a new reality with Moving Theater. Instead, I am gently reawakened, as shifts within me integrate immediately into my own life. If you want to unfurl your own fullness, then work with Camille Maurine.” – D.R., Writer and Actor
"I have taken many workshops [at Esalen]. "Moving Theater of the Soul" was THE BEST! Took me to my edge, and helped me move, hop, dance to the other side. Camille is a master at keeping the pulse of the group together and supportive. We laughed and cried, were touched deeply and lovingly. She is a passionate, creative MASTER!" – Workshop Participant, Moving 'Theater of the Soul
“I am so deeply grateful for the space you provide at Moving Theater...the expansion, the fluidity, the acceptance, the creativity – the just being. It feels like the home I never had and it has become a beacon for the kind of energy I am visualizing with intention to bring more of into my life. It almost brings me to tears to try to express this, and I suspect my words are slightly inadequate to make my point. But it's like you and your class are a reminder of all that is possible.” – Student, Santa Monica
“Your [Moving Theater] workshop Esalen was awesome....I went to your workshop with high recommendations from my husband, Bret, who attended your week-long workshop a few years ago and couldn't say enough amazing things about it and you. I was excited to meet you and hoping to have the experience of having someone else leading the workshop so I could go deeply into my improvisations and not be leading the group at the same time. I got that and so much more. I particularly enjoyed the way your exercises built throughout the weekend from very internal and personal exercises to deeply connected, expressive and interactive. The core seemed to be able to always touch back to that inner source. Soul. Yes. Your improvisations were inspiring. Your directions and your modeling the exercises inspired direction and at the same time left much space for inner and outer exploration for me as a participant. Numerous times I felt pleasantly surprised by changes in direction, deepening of movement/sound, deepening of story, having my heart touched, and laughter in unexpected moments. It was delightful improvising with my husband in the workshop was really, really fun too. And how amazing to meet someone else who improvises and performs stories about growing up with a loving yet crazy mother. That was very soothing to my soul. You are awesome. Your work is...Sacred, awesome, theater, soul. Thank you Camille.” – Sheila Rubin, California
See also Comments from Advanced Moving Theater students
"BY FAR this workshop has been the most transformational, compassionate, directly supportive to my particular process. I have not witnessed a group become so open, vulnerable and accepting...Camille's ability to teach and hold a strong, safe container astounded me." – Workshop Participant, Moving Theater of the Soul
"This workshop was incredibly rich, healing, and transformative. The gifts that Camille brings are infinite. Her ability to guide one to feeling, really feeling and being so deeply and authentically present to each moment is pure genius and magic." – Moving Theater of the Soul
"Working privately with Camille is a delightful and enlightening experience. Her extraordinary ability to tune in to my process and provide accurate feedback is like nothing I've ever experienced. She is loving, understanding and sincere. Camille creates a nurturing and supportive environment where I always feel safe to reveal what desires expression." – Dr. Alfredo Urso, Los Angeles
"Camille Maurine is pure, unadulterated magic in motion. She leads you with movement, vocalizing and writing into the back roads of your psyche and along the way you find delightful pieces of your SELF you never realized existed. Moving Theater is a step into a new realm: it's a trip!" – Sand Brim, Gallery Owner and Activist
"Camille is still in my body reminding me to break through, break open to delight and surprise...CODEPINK has benefited." – Jodie Evans, Co-Founder of Codepink
"Camille's work gives me a fresh approach to self discovery. I have excavated precious jewels of knowledge from deep inside myself, paving the way for wonderous awakenings to living more fully in every moment. Moving Theater is enlightening, tender, safe and a whole lot of fun. I highly recommend this work to everyone." – Lori Lynn Long, Writer, Artist
"There are many skills that I have learned (and am still learning) to practice from my experience with Moving Theater: listening (both to my own soul and to the souls of those around me), feeling, voicing, being curious and taking risks. But I think the most important thing I have learned to practice is the practice of compassion and of seeing the multi-faceted jewel in everyone and everything at every moment." – Steve Chu, Los Angeles
"The journey with Camille is like climbing Everest while soaking in a hot spring. Camille's patience and skill at holding an authentic container steadied me during some long strides. The Buddha's last words were "Be a light unto yourself" – a promise he held out to everyone. As the dream of Moving Theater has unfolded, a deeper relaxation is arriving, allowing the natural light to come through more freely. Thank Camille for this world of possibility." – Doug Farren, musician, artist, builder
"Last week was a major breakthrough for me. Thank you for enabling me to release the Life Sentence I have been living since I was a child. I feel reborn. You are an inspiration and a goddess of the highest order." – Judy F.
"In Moving Theater, Camille Maurine facilitates a safe, trusting and rich environment that allows the individual to pay attention, to themselves (body and spirit), to each other, to the earth; and express those observations in creative and artistic ways. It is theatre, it is story telling, it is catharsis, and it is play, all rolled up in one and given as a gift to each participant by a loving and challenging Camille." – Samantha Persoff, LCSW
"In her Moving Theater of the Soul class, Camille sustained a nurturing atmosphere in which the unique ability of every student was supported by her and by the other students. The structure of the class as an organic unfolding from the language of the body to the spoken word and from the hidden to the revealed gave us the courage to encounter and to express the personal and the universal aspects of ourselves. The lasting effects of participating in this class are powerful." – Miriam Greenberg, Artist
"I am constantly amazed at the new possibilities for deep connection both with myself and with other people that open up for me in Camille's classes. Plus it is fun to be more expressive!" – Caroline Barry, Computer Programmer
"UNINHIBITED EXPRESSION is Camille! ...and THAT is what I stepped into in her class!" – Rob, Big Bear, California
Camille Maurine
P.O. Box 9325
Marina del Rey, California
USA 90295
Contact Camille