The Temple
Open the doors of the heart,
Invite them all in,
The huddled crowd at the threshold
Waiting with trembling anticipation.
All are here,
The Magi and magicians,
Musicians, soul dancers,
The elves and wise elders,
Great spirit dragons,
Those who see beyond time
What has been and shall be,
Creatures of the wild,
Children of past
And future.
Welcome all to this temple,
The downtrodden, disheveled,
The doubts and fears,
The aches of disappointment,
Of loss and despair,
Memories that haunt your dreams.
Remember ancestors,
Mentors, friends long gone,
This legacy of longing,
Of noble inspiration,
Of beauty and awe,
These eyes of wonder, of love,
Perceiving the tender miracle of life.
But first, first…
Prepare the space, this sanctuary,
This vessel to embrace them all.
Kindle the fire at the center,
Encircled by ancient stones.
Drape the walls with silken thangka,
Adorn the altar with fresh water and flowers,
Light the candles, chanting words of blessing and grace.
Prepare your sacred body,
Bathe in fragrant oils, caress head to toe,
Shed old shields as if reborn.
Care what you wear,
That ceremonial robe,
That rainbow shawl,
This raiment of naked skin.
Walk now to the portal,
Welcome your guests
Bowing one by one,
Each bearing a gift,
An offering for the feast.
Nestled around the hearth,
Each shares their heart song,
One by one,
Incantations of sorrow and solace,
Invocations of freedom,
Hymns of redemption and joy.
Dance now, together,
Pray for this world.
Sing, roar, wail,
Laugh with abandon
As if no tomorrow,
Until, until
All fall to the ground in gratitude,
Breathing as One
In vibrant, radiant
Camille Maurine
December 31st, 2021
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