
Join Author Camille Maurine and our global community of women for…


Women circle of hands
Image from the 13 Grandmothers, borrowed with gratitude

An Inspiring Meditation Ritual Journey with Camille
Mid-November thru Early January 2021
Starts November 16th, 2020

Join us now!

$177 thru Friday, November 6th – $197 thereafter

We women have depths of Love and Power that can be a mighty force of blessing – for one another and for the world. Female-centered meditation is a supreme way to access and strengthen that innate capacity.

This is an unparalleled, unprecedented time on Planet Earth – a time of crisis, of chaos, of uncertainty. Everything hangs in the balance.

The challenges we face are great – in the outer world as well as in our personal, intimate lives. We are all navigating wild waves of energy and emotion. It's intense!

Within the intensity is creative energy. Possibility. An urgent call to transform, to heal, to evolve – as individuals and humanity as a whole.

You feel that call, in your own way. In your own life circumstances. In your body, heart, soul.

Having love-drenched, life-affirming practices is essential – ways of tuning our energies to be resourceful, responsive, and ready for whatever life brings our way.

That is why I am offering this special meditation journey, from now through the holidays and into January 2021. Together we can embrace our authentic experience with love, say thank you and goodbye to this wacky year, and initiate a new cycle of Life on Earth.

Camille Maurine - Josie Keys

Think of those as one word – an expression of our essential female energy that is desperately needed now more than ever. Let's find out what living in Love, Power, and Peace really means for each of us – for YOU.

Let’s explore meditation, movement, and awareness practices that help you stay centered as you move through your life, in touch with your own creative essence, and open to the flow of love in all your relationships – in the way that is meaningful to you.

Coming together in community creates a potent energy field that supports each of us to embody those qualities – and to be stronger together. Within our sacred circle of women, we can join in awareness and radiate love, freedom, and serenity to the world.

This practice is the essence of my lifetime of exploration – the direct experience of the subtle yet dynamic reality that is our Essence, our Nature. I am offering this unique ritual journey as a way for us to go deeper, together.

Please join me!

Our meetings are on six

November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, January 11, 2021
12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm UK / 7am Tuesday, Sydney AUS

We meet on Zoom, with the option to see and hear one another in meaningful interaction. The webinars are always recorded, so if you cannot be with us live, you can view or review anytime. You can also connect and share with one another on our nifty online platform.

You receive:


  • 6 Meditation & Movement Webinars (always recorded)
  • Live Interaction with Camille and our Global Circle of Women
  • 6 Video and Audio Recordings of the Meetings
  • 6 Weeks of Online Support – Guided Meditations and Other Inspirations
  • A Dynamic Discussion Forum – Share Your Heart
  • Permanent Access to the Course
  • Gain 8 contact hours toward our Meditation Teacher Training

We join together on behalf of all women,
on behalf of the larger body of humanity,
and on behalf of this Earth

Early tuition is only $177

Register Now!

Bodhi - new code

Join with a Friend!


LOVE POWER PEACE is based on the living wisdom in the book I wrote with my husband, Dr. Lorin Roche:

Meditation Secrets for Women
Discovering Your Passion, Pleasure, and Inner Peace

By Camille Maurine and Lorin Roche, PhD
(HarperOne, 2001)
Women must have more than one entry into meditation, so that we can meet ourselves in a healthy way no matter what is going on in our world, in our bodies, and in our hearts. That's why the book offers 12 Secrets – luscious, love-drenched, life-giving gateways to the Self.

Meditation can be sacred Self-Care, profound support for every level of your being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. To get the deepest, lasting benefits, you need an approach that honors your woman's way of being, and whatever is going on in your body, heart, and life.

Whatever your experience,
you are welcome here and can benefit deeply. Our approach is a non-dogmatic, omni-denominational, no jargon zone – a full heart embrace of individuality within our commonality as women. Come as you are!

With the challenges we currently face on both personal and collective levels, it is ever more important to have this Sanctuary of Love to create a sustainable, life-affirming world – starting right here in our own bodies and hearts.

Embodying Your Feminine Essence

Over these two months together, we delve into embodied meditations that deepen the connection to your own essence and fertile inner ground. These empowering resources continue to unfold and evolve over time as your life unfolds and evolves.
Heart hands Elena Ray

On this end-of-year journey, Camille offers weekly live webinars where she shares her current musings as well as luscious embodied meditation. These are an opportunity for vibrant interaction – ask your questions and receive soulful reflection. The webinars are always recorded – all hosted on a special website. A fresh lesson opens up each week that includes a private Discussion Forum (not Facebook), where you can share your experience with the other women on the course.

In this way, you receive timely inspiration and support to embody your radiant Essence, your
Love Power Peace. Yes!


Six 90-Minute Webinars with Camille

These video classes with Camille offer personal teachings, as well as Q&A sessions to address questions, discoveries, or challenges in women's meditation practice and Self-Care. You also learn valuable tools that enhance your interactions with female clients, family, and friends. The calls are always recorded – both video and audio, and are available to you online.


Guided Meditation Practices

To help you steep in the qualities of of these embodied female-centered practices.


Ongoing Inspiration

You will receive 6 empowering lessons on our online platform. Enjoy pithy selections from the book, tips, and other inspirations – such as some of The Radiance Sutras, Lorin's astonishing version of an ancient yoga text.


A Worldwide Meditation Community

We offer a private online forum on Ruzuku, exclusively for those in this Course. You are invited to share your discovery process and communicate with fellow participants.


Lifetime Access to Course Materials

All of the links and audio/visual parts of the course are housed on a beautiful, easy-to-navigate website, gathered in one place for your convenience and simplicity. You will retain access to all these valuable materials even after the course has finished, and can explore further later on.

Sign Up Now!
(Just $197 for this life-changing journey.)

Join with a Friend ($297)

We recommend you have a copy of Meditation Secrets for Women for this Course as it gives you access to the full text. The book contains a wealth of stunning wisdom, including tips and illuminating stories. Readers say they can read it again and again and discover new layers and nuances each time.

Each woman has her own rhythm and style of participating in the Course. You can find the level of involvement that feels satisfying to you.


photo by JBalnicke

Why do I keep doing this work?

Because I see profound and lasting transformation. I am in utter awe and wonder at how each woman comes home to her Self, her sacred feminine essence. Each round of the Course has been a fertile, loving journey with amazing women from around the world. With all the challenges we face as citizens of Planet Earth, being together is even more important.

It is my pleasure to share my experience from over four decades of practice and teaching meditation, movement, and creative expression. I am especially passionate about women's spiritual empowerment and embodiment, and love exploring what that means for YOU.

In this journey together,
we cultivate intimacy on all the essential levels: with our Self, with Nature, and with the evolutionary energies of Creation. I also highlight how these Secrets can support you in your personal relationships, keeping all your energies flowing and available for love. Yes! From my 38 years (and counting) of creative intimacy with Lorin, my husband and co-author, I can tell you this is absolutely crucial – I practice the Secrets continually!

How I live these Secrets continues to evolve in profound transformative ways. I want to share these insights and create a context for your own revelations.

For all these reasons, I am deeply inspired to share this adventure with you.

Here's the radical truth: You are an incarnation of Divine Creativity in female form. Embrace your next level of embodiment and expression.

Your body and psyche are pulsing with innate wisdom and intelligence, clues to your organic unfoldment of energy. You can learn how to follow that wise movement, with yours truly as fierce ally and gentle guide.

This art of awareness allows you to experience more flow of life and love, enhances all your relationships, and ignites your creativity on every level.

Meditation puts us in touch with the larger cosmic body in which we live and move and have our being:

A field of vibrating energies that gives birth to creation
A body of love that nourishes and sustains us
A network of information that inspires and in-forms us
A movement of evolution that heals and transforms us

The sanctuary of meditation allows your body, mind, and heart to commune with the forces of life and love. It is a sacred time and space in which your nervous system can let go and receive the communication.

Jessica Fleming
“Life-changing messages to my cells and soul.”
“Camille’s online course, Meditation Secrets for Women, is an outstanding opportunity to LIVE her book of the same name. She has the most soothing voice on whose frequencies the material seeped in to my being… life changing messages to my cells and soul. A Master Teacher.”

E. Jessica Fleming, Former Director of the Group Harmonics Retreat Center, Albuquerque, NM and present Co-Director of SoulPath Journeys, Sunshine Coast, Australia

“An embodied, feminine base as I move through the world.”
"Fantastic! I have loved all the calls, your wisdom coupled with laughter and good humor. It is truly a remarkable program which I know is helping to heal the planet and lift all of us. I am so glad to have this embodied, feminine base as I move through the world of men and texts. It keeps me grounded and I know that I am not alone as I traverse this territory."

Eva Burns, writer, mother, student of ancient wisdom, Bahrain

“More shimmering, more truthful, more expansive.”
First and foremost, Camille Maurine is the real deal – a one-of-a-kind fully embodied woman who exudes depth, vitality, and vibrancy in all aspects of her teaching and mentorship. In all my experiences of education and women-centered programs, I have never encountered anyone with such a robust and graceful combination of genuine care, deep expertise, and boundless creativity. My life and embodied evolution as a woman are more shimmering, more truthful, and more expansive due to my work with Camille and her Meditation Secrets for Women offering. There is nothing else like this approach to meditation out there; there is no-one else like her to teach it. An unparalleled transformative opportunity.

Jennifer Keller, PhD, Mother, Professor, and Author of Ordinary Oblivion: The Self Unmoored

“Inspired me creatively and helped me heal at deep layers of my being.”
“Meditation Secrets for Women has brought me into greater intimacy within my meditation practice and my own essential, sensual nature. The skills I’ve cultivated from learning the Secrets have inspired me creatively, and helped me heal at deep layers of my being, instilling within me a true sense of self love and care. I see the inner wisdom of honoring our unique needs and desires serves all our relationships in the world.”

Melanie Foust, Yoga Teacher, Seattle

“Opened me more deeply to my own creative spirit.”
"Meditation Secrets for Women opened me more deeply to my own creative spirit, helping me appreciate myself and my unique gifts and grounding me more firmly in my own practice. On a personal level, I married a wonderful man who has been in my life for a long time!"
Sera Crandell, Yoga and Pilates Teacher, Frederick, MD

“An unusual, not to be missed opportunity!”
“I have a whole list of women to whom I suggest the program because of the richness it offers. The opportunity to explore our deepest woman-ness with such a loving group is exceptional. The fact that we can do it from wherever on the planet we are, benefitting also from the richness of the teleconference discussions and Camille's loving support makes this is an unusual, not to be missed, opportunity for personal exploration and growth. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Elisabeth Crago, Pittsburgh, PA and Auckland, NZ

“A supportive womb of transformation”
“I recommend this course to any woman who is interested in learning to meditate or deepening/expanding the practice they already have. The calls and guided meditation practices enhance the use of the book and cater to any learning style. Even though it is an internet program, the support and intimacy is abundant and the collective of women helps contain my process in a supportive womb of transformation.”

Kimberlee Orenstein, Founding Director, Yoga Loka Reno, Nevada

Join Our Community of Women!
